Sunday, July 4, 2010

Days 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20 ... and 21. (PART FIVE)

Part five of the post.

I'm not sure if this picture is from today or yesterday:

Here are some pictures that are definately from today:

At one point today we were riding at the same exact pace as a shadow from a cloud above us. It was AWESOME. It was really hot and sunny right in front of us, but were were in the shade the whole time. It lasted for at least a mile, maybe a few.

Today we are staying at the local high school. We had a sponsored dinner at a senior center right down the road.

On advice of Mike Keough, we wentnto the Silver Sage Saloon. At first we were really skeptical because it was just a boarded up window that said "DRUGS," but then we turned the corner and saw the actual Saloon. The bartender and his wife were very friendly and talkative. We all signed a dollar bill and taped it to the ceiling (I guess that's what people do there). They didn't make me pay for my soda. Jeez I keep on hitting the return key when I mean to hit the N or M keys, and hitting the N key when I mean to hit delete and hitting the shift key when I mean to hit the A key. This iPhone keyboard is too small.

Anywho, walking back we saw a drive through liquor store which was reall a bar with a window and a door bell. Wes and Dave got a free shot from a really nice (but very crazy) older woman named Jane who was running the place.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I bought a new air mattress for $15 at a KMart in Jackson. I still have my old one because I want to bring it back to Dick's and get a refund or a new mattress.

Tomorrow I have a 6am wake up. Hopefully I won't wait 9 days to post here again. And hopefully this post actually works, because I'll be asleep before it finishes uploading.

Sorry for not keeping in touch, everyone. I haven't sent out all of my thank you notes telling the address for this blog, so if you know anyone who would want to know what I'm up to, please pass it on.

Here are the rest of my state license plate pictures:

This post is going to be another day late because as I was adding pictures the application crashed. Oh well. I'll probably add the license plates as a separate post.

Also, this post is another few days late because of this terrible application that is so frustrating I can't even explain it, and lack of 3G coverge in Wyoming.

The last few days should be posted either today or tomorrow.

- Posted from my iPhone

Location:Shoshone, Wyoming


  1. why arent you posting anymorrre!

  2. Cuz he's busy, Will. He's riding across the fucking country so he can cure cancer. When he makes it to DC, cancer will be cured. Don't you get that? How can he ride while posting blogs? He probably had one of the plebeians post these for him, as he's curing cancer right now.

    Joe, no one understands you like I do. I love you.
