Sunday, July 4, 2010

Days 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20 ... and 21. (PART ONE)

Part one of the post.

Okay, so it's been a while since I posted here. Sorry. I've been busy. I've only had short moments of free time, and I kept on pushing this post back a day.

A lot has happened recently. I'll go day by day and try to recount the important stuff. I also have a ton of pictures to post. I also took a lot of videos but I still haven't figured out how to post videos here.

Day 13:
We left Missoula and rode 80 miles to Philipsberg, Montana. Another beautiful ride, but I didn't have my camera on me. We stayed in Granite County High School. Joel bought those sugar fruit slice candies for us but everyone else thought they were gross. Weird. Our dinner that night was sponsored by the local rotary club, and consisted of salad, lemonade, and "pasties," a meat/potato/vegetable meal wrapped in sheets of dough. They were originally made by miners' wives for lunch when the men were down in the mines. After dinner we went to an awesome ice cream parlor in town and I had huckleberry ice cream (two of the biggest scoops I've ever seen). I also got to play an antique piano for a few minutes. After ice cream we played a big game of tag on the school playground for over an hour. It was awesome:

Day 14:
We rode about 60 miles from Philipsberg to Butte, Montana (pronounced Byoot). The ride was realy scenic, going up over a pass. Here's a picture of a clearing shaped like a heart on the side of a mountain:

Here's a picture of a waterfall:

Some guys on the side of the road:

My view most of the day (I need to re-tape my handlebars):

Craig and Nick bought horns to trick out their bikes:

Some huge mountains:

We stayed at a really cool YMCA with a pool and a big slide and a hot tub. Here is a picture of Drew (crew chief) and Joel (project manager) sleeping in the YMCA before our friendship visit:

The friendship visit was with BSW (don't know what it stands for), an organization that helps people with a wide variety of mental disabilities. We accidently went to the wrong location at first, so when we finally arrived at the correct location everyone was sitting waiting for us. There was a ton of people there, and they all started applauding when we arrived. It was really cool. We went around and introduced ourselves, ate a delicious dinner, and then danced with everyone (there was a 3 piece band playing). Most of the time there I was talking about history and politics with a man named Jeremy. He knew more about all of the presidents than anyone I had ever met. Here are some pictures we took after the event (we were all given green t-shirts, Jeremy is in the red):

Here is a picture of "Our Lady of the Rockies," a 90 foot statue of Mary on the top of a mountain ridge in Butte that is lit up at night:

Location:Shoshone, Wyoming

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